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We are proud to do politics differently but we need determined, caring people like you to help us make it happen. Join the thousands of people who are already members and stand up for what matters.
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Donations to Liverpool Green Party help us work towards a sustainable, green and just Liverpool. As we do not get money from Big Business or trade unions, your donations are especially important.
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There has never been a better time to get involved with Liverpool Green Party. We're active all year round - not just at election time - and there is always a range of activities and local campaigns happening.
Latest news and events from your Liverpool Green Party
Greens Best Vote for Climate in Liverpool
The Vote Climate site ( puts the choice down to just two parties in all five Liverpool constituencies in the General Election this Thursday. The Green Party is the recommended best vote for climate action in all five constituencies, with two of the seats listed as votes where the Greens could win the seat – Liverpool […]
Help turn Liverpool Green on 4 July
The election is just a couple of weeks away and here at Liverpool Greens we have been working hard on our election campaign. We are very pleased to have candidates standing in every Liverpool constituency. Who are the candidates? Liverpool Wavertree – Tom Crone Councillor Tom Crone has been holding Liverpool Labour to account since […]
Bye bye £28 billion
Bye bye £28 billion of green investment a year. So Labour has ditched its flagship election pledge – the same week as climate scientists announced the planet breached 1.5 degrees for the whole of 2023. It’s bad for the climate, economy, and future generations. But Keir Starmer has bowed to the Tory party’s cynical attacks […]
Lecture by Professor Catherine Rowett, ex Green MEP 2019-20
Professor Catherine Rowett, the ex Green MEP is giving a lecture ” “Ownership, property and belonging: Some lessons to learn from thinkers of antiquity about economics and success” in Liverpool on the 13th February. The event is organised by the University of Liverpool, Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology. The details are below. Attendance is […]
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Liverpool Greens need a new Chair – could it be you?
The Liverpool Green Party is looking for a new Chair. This an ideal opportunity for you to make a real difference to the city, socially, politically and environmentally. We are looking for someone who has experience chairing or managing meetings and helping a group coordinate their activities for maximum impact. The Chair will help support […]
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Join our Campaign for controls on HMOs in St Michaels
Cllr Tom Crone has been listening to the concerns of local residents regarding Houses in Multiple Occupation (HMO) in the St Michaels area, and has launched a petition to make sure local people’s views are heard. “I have been contacted by several residents regarding the increasing number of HMO conversions taking place in St Michaels,” […]
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About Liverpool Green Party
Liverpool Green Party is a local branch of the Green Party of England and Wales (GPEW) and works in the Liverpool City Council area.
We actively promote social and environmental justice in the Liverpool area by standing for political office and by working all year round on behalf of, and in conjunction with, its communities and residents.
Liverpool Green Party is committed to creating a cleaner, healthier, sustainable and more equitable city for everyone.
Let's talk on social media
The Green Party is the only major political party in the UK that is committed fully to a life based on democracy and justice within the planet's limits.
The Green Party has always dared to be different - and we’ve always known the power of good ideas.
Unlike others, we know that our planet has environmental limits, we understand that not everyone wants to live to work, that inequality is not just unfair, but damaging to everyone in society. And we have the bold solutions which allow us to offer inspiration in this age of uncertainty.