If you want to help to making a better Liverpool you can play your part volunteering at the Liverpool Green Party. Get in touch today.
Liverpool Green Party relies on a team of committed volunteers and activists who work all year round for our local area – not just during election time.
There is always work to do and this can range from delivering leaflets in your street; posting to social media; protesting in the streets; talking to residents or phoning members through to developing policies; writing copy for literature; organising events and liaising with the press. Whatever your level of experience and however much or little time you can give, we would love to hear from you.
Liverpool Green Party is committed to making local politics accessible to everyone – please get in touch if you require any more information or have any specific access needs. You don’t have to be a member of The Green Party to volunteer your time with us.
Start volunteering today ,contact us here

Start volunteering today, contact us here
Getting involved with the National Green Party of England and Wales
We encourage all our members to join the national Member Groups that bring Greens with common interests together to discuss and debate with others.
There are nine member groups, each has its own democratic structure. We’ve produced this very short guide to the groups. Please have a look, join and get involved with the group or groups that are relevant to you.
Young Greens
Young Greens of England and Wales consists of all members of the Green Party of England and Wales who are under 30 or a full-time student. We aim to harness the energy and ideas of young people, and change the direction of our society towards a sustainable and just future. Find out more
Greens for Animal Protection
Greens for Animal Protection membership is open to all members of the Green Party. To join GAP please email membership@gap.greenparty.org.uk with your name, post code and Local Party. They will send you a Welcome email and periodic news. Find out more
Greens of Colour
Greens of Colour works to promote the contribution, experience, opportunities, rights, unity, perspective, culture and history of people from African, Caribbean, Asian, Latin American and other ethnic descent in England and Wales. Find out more
Green Party Women
Green Party Women is the official liberation group for women in the Green Party of England and Wales. It exists to defend and extend the rights of women and girls, and raise the voice of our members within our party and across the world. Find out more
LGBTIQA+ Greens is the Green Party of England & Wales’ liberation group for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, Intersex, Queer, and Asexual people. Discrimination remains in many areas of life such as housing, education, employment and health and LGBTIQA+ Greens campaign for a fairer and more just society. We aim to increase awareness and understanding of LGBTIQA+ issues within the Green Party, progressive movements and in society as a whole. We also aim to increase awareness and understanding of Green and progressive values among LGBTIQA+ people. Find out more
Green Party Disability Group
The Green Party Disability Group has two aims: to support disabled members of the Green Party in their activities within the Green Party; and to campaign on disability issues at local, regional, national, European, and international level. It is also coordinating a working group which is reviewing the Green Party Disability Policy. To be a full member of the Green Party Disability Group you need to be a member of the Green Party, we do not request a separate membership fee but actually accept donations towards our work. Find out more
Green Party Trade Union Group
The Green Party Trade Union Group is for trade unionists, allies and all supporters of the labour movement in the Green Party of England & Wales. It believes that a powerful, organised labour movement bringing together millions of working people is essential to transforming society for people and planet. It works together to offer practical solidarity to workers in their struggles, empowering Green campaigners up and down the country to work closely with trade unions. Find out more
Green Seniors
Green Party Seniors is open to all members of the Green Party of England and Wales. Only members aged 55 and above may vote and stand for Committee posts. It is affiliated to the Green Party and exists to promote understanding on matters affecting Senior Citizens and to co-operate with similar bodies in the UK, Europe and worldwide. Find out more
Jewish Greens
Jewish Greens offers advice and guidance on issues of importance to Jewish members of the Green Party and the Jewish community as a whole, and intend to be the first port of call within the party for educational purposes about Jews and Judaism. Find out more