Stop Sefton Park being fenced off

Sign the petition launched by Greenbank Green Party council candidate Martyn Madeley (above) here.

Sefton Park Cricket Club are proposing to hold a series of events on their lower field, close to Mossley Hill Drive. This will result in the field being fenced off from 19th September, until into the New Year. The events are expected to attract between 2,000 and 3,000 people.

Local residents, Councillors and community groups were not consulted on this proposal until it was well into the planning stage.

The site is close to a local school which uses the park for PE lessons, so having events involving alcohol a short distance away, taking place during school hours, will impact children.

We are concerned about the impacts this will have on the park and the surrounding area. Large numbers of people will bring with them parking and traffic problems, litter, noise and, as alcohol will be licensed for sale from 10am to 10pm, the increased possibility of anti-social behaviour. 

The noise will affect wildlife in the park, especially creatures which will be hibernating. It will also impact the plant life in this part of the park and other birds and animals that live there.

This is part of Sefton Park, which residents are used to being able to enjoy for quiet relaxation. This will be impacted by the events.

We are concerned this event will set a precedent for using the park as a place for private businesses to make money, rather than the enjoyment and wellbeing of everyone in Liverpool.

We are working hard to force a rethink by the cricket club and anyone else who is involved in the decision making relating to these events. 

Sign the petition

Please sign the petition launched by Greenbank Green Party council candidate Martyn Madeley here.

Contact the Council

The event has submitted a licence application to the council. The deadline to make comments, or to object is August 19th. 

Only comments relating to the following licensing objectives will be taken into account:

the prevention of crime and disorder; 

public safety; 

the prevention of public nuisance; 

the protection of children from harm.

You can do this online here.

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