Liverpool Greens Are Best Alternative To Labour in Riverside

In a post written by Peter Cranie, the recent North West Lead candidate in the European Elections, it has been revealed that from analysis of the council results, Liverpool Greens Candidate Martin Dobson looks to come a strong second in the Liverpool Riverside Constituency in 2015.

By analysis of the 7 wards Riverside contains, Peter has revealed that if these votes were replicated we would come second with 27% of the vote, which is great news looking onwards to next year. In his post Peter said that “the message to Labour in Liverpool is that we are serious and we are determined, not just to win council seats, but to win this constituency.” Martin, our candidate, has lived in the area for 28 years, and has recently come to prominence from setting up the Save Sefton Park Meadows Campaign.

He will be a strong presence to challenge the dominance of Labour, in a seat that Labour have withheld since it’s creation in 1983. He has previously stood in Riverside ward for Liverpool Greens, showing his true commitment to the area. Martin says that he believes as an MP “that we can create a sustainable pleasant environment for the future which does not pollute or destroy our planet through giving power and a voice to local communities,” Along with this, he added that another priority as a Green MP would be “promoting strong efficient public services which give an equal quality service to everyone.” If you want more information on Martin, you can view this page here.

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