Lecture by Professor Catherine Rowett, ex Green MEP 2019-20

Professor Catherine Rowett, the ex Green MEP is giving a lecture ” “Ownership, property and belonging: Some lessons to learn from thinkers of antiquity about economics and success” in Liverpool on the 13th February. The event is organised by the University of Liverpool, Department of Archaeology, Classics and Egyptology. The details are below.

Attendance is free, with a reception afterwards. Please use the ticket source link below to register if you would like to attend, so they get the catering right.

“We will be welcoming back a past colleague in ACE, Professor Catherine Rowett, who has been teaching in the School of Politics, Philosophy, Language and Communications Studies at the University of East Anglia since leaving Liverpool in 2003 and was also a Green MEP in the European Parliament from 2019-20.”

The lecture takes place at 5.15 on Tuesday 13 February in the University of Liverpool’s Lecture Theatre C, Central Teaching Hub.

The lecture will be followed by a reception for everyone attending.

Do please support this event and please sign up for the lecture on TicketSource here, so that we can get an idea of numbers for the catering.

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