Greens urge council to rethink strict planning rules for conservation areas

Liverpool Green Party is urging Liverpool City Council’s planning department to relax guidelines on replacing windows in conservation areas after listening to the concerns of residents in Sefton Park who are facing huge costs to replace windows due to strict planning guidelines. Currently old-fashioned single glazed sash windows must be replaced by very expensive double glazed sash windows. Liverpool Green Party are calling for residents to be able to replace their windows more cheaply with more modern ‘casement’ style windows.

Greenbank Councillor Lawrence Brown said,
‘It’s important for people here in the Avenues and other conservation areas in the city to be able to replace their windows affordably. Old-fashioned single glazed windows mean high fuel bills and wasted energy. Liverpool Green Party is calling on the council to allow people in these areas to replace their windows with cheaper alternatives which do not detract from the overall appearance of the area.’

In addition, Liverpool Green Party has contributed this suggestion to to the new ‘Liverpool Local Plan’

‘Conservation Areas should continue to be respected, but the Plan should recognise the urgent need to provide better insulation for houses in Conservation Areas. In particular the requirement for sash windows should be relaxed whenever the applicant can show that a more affordable window replacement can be justified. Replacement windows should, however, resemble original patterns when in a closed position.’

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