Green Councillor supports local residents at contentious licensing meeting

Cllr Lawrence Brown joined residents at the Licensing hearing which considered the matter of an alcohol licence for the Potting Shed cafe in Greenbank Park. Disappointingly, despite opposition from a large number of local residents, the licence was granted, though with a substantial number of conditions

Schedule of Conditions to be Attached to Premises Licence for the Potting Shed, Greenbank Park

Licence Summary

Licensable activity authorised by Licence : The Sale of Alcohol by Retail for consumption on the premises ONLY (i.e. no OFF sales) during the hours of 1200 – 2130hrs daily

Premises Opening Hours: 0800 – 2200hrs daily

(This allows a 30 minute winding down/drinking up period for the orderly dispersal of customers after the last sale of alcohol)


a)       General;

 The premises licence holder, DPS, management and staff will constantly assess any risks to the licensing objectives. They will work in partnership with the authorities and local people alike in this respect. The staff will be properly authorised, equipped, trained and motivated in this task. There will be:A written notice of ‘authority’ record for all staff who sell alcoholAdequate training for staff and records kept for inspectionContact details of the Designated Premises Supervisor available to staff and the authoritiesThe sale of alcohol will be primarily to complement the provision of food which shall be available at all times that alcohol is available for saleThere shall be no vertical drinking allowed at the premisesThere will be a maximum occupancy of 60 customers within the building at any one timeThe sale of alcohol will be by way of waiter/waitress service onlyThe whole site will be a ‘No Smoking’ sIte 

b)       Prevention of Crime and Disorder

The management and staff will take all necessary steps to ensure that the premises remain free from crime and disorder. This will include:

  • An effective CCTV system
  • CCTV coverage shall be provided in the form of a recordable system, capable of providing pictures of evidential quality in all lighting conditions particularly facial recognition.
  • Cameras shall encompass all ingress and egress to the premises and all areas where the sale of alcohol occurs.
  • Equipment shall be maintained in good working order and checked every 12 months.
  • The system shall record in real time and operate whilst the premises are open for licensable activities.
  • The recordings shall be kept available for a minimum period of 14 days and handed to Police or Local Authority Officer on request.
  • The Recording equipment shall be kept in a secure environment under the control of the Premises Licence Holder or other responsible named individual.
  • Appropriate signage representative of the above shall be displayed in conspicuous positions.
  • There will be sufficient members of trained staff available to be able to download evidence with the minimum of delay at the request of the Police or Local Authority approved Officer
  • Staffing levels maintained appropriately to ensure adequate security.
  • Staff being trained on all security issues including how to identify and refuse service to customers that are drunk, appear to be drunk or are suspected to be dependent drinkers
  • Alcohol will not be allowed to leave the premises in open bottles or containers, other than by customers using the pergola area at the side of the premises, shown on the plan.
  • A policy of zero-tolerance to drugs at the premises.

c)       Public Safety

The management and staff will have an effective policy to maintain a safe venue for customers and staff. Any risk to safety will be assessed before the premises are opened to the public each day and throughout the hours of operation. The DPS will liaise with the authorities to ensure that all aspects of public safety are adhered to. The policy will include:Ensuring that the entrance, outside area and any walkways within the premises are kept free from obstructionAppropriate fire fighting equipment being installed and maintained at the premises and staff trained in its use.Fire risk assessments being undertaken and acted upon in accordance with current recommendations and requirements.Effective lighting maintained and operated to ensure the safety of the public and staff .  

d)       Prevention of Public Nuisance

  • The DPS and staff are mindful of the need to reduce the impact of any nuisance caused by the operation of the premises, will constantly assess the risk of public nuisance and take immediate steps to eliminate the problem. Staff will ensure:
  • The premises and public areas nearby are kept free from litter associated with the operation of the business
  • Any noise, vibrations, smells, light pollution and any other potential nuisance is monitored and kept to an acceptable level
  • Notices will be appropriately displayed asking customers to be considerate of local residents and businesses and to dispose of waste responsibly when they leave the premises
  • Deliveries to and waste removal from the site are undertaken at a time and in a manner that does not cause disturbance
  • There shall be no emptying of or collection of bins between the hours of 1900hrs and 0900hrs each day

e) The protection of children from harm

  • The premises will be promoted as family friendly and suitable for all ages. Should children be in attendance, there will be no inappropriate promotions, activities or behaviour tolerated at the premises that might put children at risk. There will be an effective age verification policy in accordance with the mandatory code. This policy will be one of Challenge 25 for age-restricted products and include:
  • The appropriate display of notices relating to the policy within the premises.
  • These notices will indicate that any customer not appearing to have reached the age of 25 will be required to produce appropriate identification proving that they have turned 18 before being served.
  • Appropriate ID will be a passport, photo driving licence, PASS accredited proof of age card or other reliable photo-ID that is recommended and approved for acceptance by the police or other authorities.
  • Staff shall be trained in aspects of responsible alcohol retailing and in particular the Protection of Children including the Challenge 25 policy.
  • Staff training will occur before a staff member is authorised to sell alcohol within the premises.
  • Staff training records will be available for inspection by the police or other responsible authority upon request.
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