Candidates and Tax Returns

Mayoral candidate Tom Crone and Merseyside PCC candidate John Coyne have committed to publish their tax returns.  The press release of 6th April is reproduced below.

Tom Crone’s tax return is here.  John Coyne’s tax return is here.

Press release: Tax Transparency and Earnings Cap

Liverpool Green Party is calling on candidates for the senior positions of Mayor of Liverpool and Mersey Police and Crime Commissioner (PCC) to publish their tax returns now and for each year they hold office, if elected.

Cllr Tom Crone, leader of the Green Party in Liverpool and mayoral candidate said

“I welcome Jeremy Corbyn’s call for tax returns to be published (1) and I hope he follows through on that.  In the 2012 mayoral election, the Green candidate, John Coyne, put his tax return on line (2), but the other candidates did not do so.  If Mayor Anderson had published his tax affairs we would all have known about his undisclosed earnings from Chesterfield High School.  That extra income, from a job he had pledged to give up in 2010 (3), would have been transparent.”

John Coyne who is the Green candidate for Police and Crime Commissioner made a further demand for senior elected politicians to be more restrained about taking higher and higher salaries.  The PCC role attracts a salary of £85,000 but Coyne has said he would take no more than £50,000 p.a. if elected.  Tom Crone has also pledged to stay within a £50,000 p.a. cap if he is elected as mayor.

Cllr Tom Crone added

“Publishing tax returns, now and in future years, is a guarantee that senior politicians will be seen to do what they pledge to do and make it impossible for any repeat of Mayor Anderson’s unfulfilled promise (4) to take “only” £66,000 from a mayoral salary of £79,500.”


(2) (17 April 2012)
(3) (29 June 2010)
(4)  (16 May 2012)

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