Affirming our commitment to trans rights

In the current climate of heightened transphobia, Liverpool Green Party would like to affirm our commitment to trans rights. In accordance with Green Party of England and Wales policy we affirm that:

  • Trans women are women, trans men are men, and non-binary identities exist and are valid.
  • We support the right for all trans people to update their legally recognised gender by self-determination, without medical or state encumbrance.
  • We believe that all trans, non-binary, genderqueer, third gender, and intersex people should have their gender legally recognised.
  • The Gender Recognition Act 2004 is currently not fit-for-purpose and should be reviewed.
  • The NHS should recognise the need for Gender Identity Clinics by increasing provision, in a manner that empowers trans people, rather than demeans them.

Furthermore, in accordance with the Code of Conduct of the Green Party of England and Wales, Liverpool Green Party strives to be a space safer than society as a whole. Harassment and bullying of anyone, including trans people, will not be tolerated in our meetings or events.

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