Vote Green this 4 May in Liverpool local elections

Liverpool Green Party is standing behind the Green Parties policies for fairer, greener, communities, including the new Right Homes, Right Place, Right Price Charter. Additional priorities include:

  • Greener homes: The cheapest energy bill – with the lowest carbon emissions – is the one you don’t have to pay because your home is so well-insulated that it needs little or no heating. The Green Party would invest £250bn over 10 years in council-led schemes to insulate 10 million homes.
  • Free school meals: We want the government to provide free school meals for all primary and secondary school children – to give every child a fair start in life and help families during the cost of living crisis
  • Fairer childcare: We want to see 35 hours of free childcare for all from the age of nine months so that every child gets the care they need and every parent can go to work if they want to.
  • Greener transport: The Green Party’s “One Pound Fare To Take You There” plan would introduce a £1 single fare on all local bus routes in the country and guarantee free travel for everyone under 22.

Each of our candidates is committed to tackling the issues of their local ward; improving air quality, reducing inequality, supporting residents through the cost of living crisis and promoting active travel.

Vote Green on 4 May

Green Party Manifesto
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