Liverpool Green Party offers its full support to the protesters at the Bank of England building on Castle Street

People are being pushed to the brink by the failed austerity policies of the last 5 years.

  • Homelessness still affects thousands of lives because successive governments have failed to address the long term housing crisis facing the country.
  • Those at the top are continuing to get richer while harsh cuts disproportionately affect women, children and the most vulnerable in society.

In these circumstances the type of positive, non-violent direct action been taken by the Love Protesters is entirely appropriate.

We call on Liverpool City Council and Merseyside Police to show respect for the human rights of the protesters inside the building.

  • No aggressive policing tactics must be used against the protesters.
  • No action by police should prevent food, water, sanitary or medical supplies reaching the protesters.
  • The demands of the protesters must be heard.

The Greens call for an end to austerity, more social housing, an end to benefit sanctions, and a fairer more equal society built on compassion, respect and ecological sustainability.

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