Liverpool Green Party call for any new hospital in Liverpool to be named after Mary Seacole or Elizabeth Garrett Anderson

As the crisis caused by the Covid 19 virus deepens we are seeing new hospitals being built to cope with a predicted rise in demand for intensive care units.

These have been named after one of outstanding nurses of the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale. Other notable women from British History include Jamaican born Mary Seacole, who despite being rejected by the War Office, travelled to the front line to care for injured soldiers, and Elizabeth Garrett Anderson who was the first woman to qualify in Britain as a physician and surgeon.

Liverpool Green Party Have written to the Mayor calling for any additional capacity in Liverpool to recognise the outstanding contributions of these other women.

Leader of Liverpool Greens, Cllr Tom Crone said, “Its right that we recognise the vital role of women in British history, but also important that we showcase the fact that this is a story of many pioneering women, not just the one who is a household name.”

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