Liverpool Green Party and campaigners will be holding a vigil from 08:30 – 09:30 on Tuesday 10th January at Victoria Street Car Park to raise awareness of the council’s plans.

Liverpool Green Party Councillors are leading the fight against plans to build a multi-story car-park in Liverpool City Centre.

The Greens say that proposals for Victoria Street will lead to increased air pollution in the City Centre, as well as a loss of 36 mature trees which are an important local feature.

There are so many reasons why this plan should be rejected, I really can’t understand how the Council is hoping to go ahead with it‘ said Cllr Tom Crone, leader of the Green Party group on the City Council. ‘The Planning Officer’s report fails to answer the objections put forward by myself and my colleagues and that is unacceptable when such a key decision is to be taken which will have a massive effect on the city centre.

The car park, which is proposed on the site of the current ground level Victoria Street car park, would bring an additional 300+ car parking spaces to Liverpool City Centre. Campaigners however, say this figure would further exceed the council’s own targets for car parking spaces in the area. There have also been concerns from Merseytravel and local bus companies that the additional flow in traffic in the area will negatively affect services.

Cllr Crone, who is also the Green Party candidate for Metro-Mayor added,
I am completely opposed to this proposal and am seeking a review of the way it has been dealt with in the Planning Officer’s report. It looks as though a number of important considerations have been overlooked.

I want to know whether the issues of increased air pollution, appropriate support for sustainable transport, damage to heritage and the loss of mature trees have been given due consideration; none of that is clear at present.

The Planning Committee will meet on 10th January to consider the proposal and campaigners hope they can have access to the required information before the meeting. 

This is the wrong building in the wrong place. We risk losing an attractive, open space to a carbuncle which will destroy the feel of this area. It seems that the Council are trying to rush through these plans, hoping no one would notice the holes in their arguments.” added Councillor Crone

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