Green Party responds to Mersey Mayor

Green Party groups on Merseyside support the devolution of powers from Whitehall to the Merseyside region but want the people of Merseyside to have a say in the creation of a Mayor or an Assembly for Merseyside.

Councillor John Coyne Leader of the Greens in Liverpool City Council says “A Mayor for Merseyside on it’s own is no good. We need a democratically elected Merseyside Assembly similar to the Greater London Authority to co-ordinate regional planning and transport policies.”

Councillor Pat Cleary from Wirral Council says “A new body should not be imposed like the post of Mayor of Liverpool was created without any consultation. The people need to have their say in a referendum before any new government body is created.”

Martin Dobson Green Party Parliamentary Candidate for Liverpool Riverside says “In London the Greater London Authority is elected using a system of proportional representation to create a body that reflects the range of opinions of the people as it scrutinises their Mayor. We should have a similar body here in Merseyside.”

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